Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jornal Entry Chapter 3

Journal Entry 3

One quote that stood out to me states, "I think my school friends wanted to help me through my cancer, but they eventually found out that they couldn't." This quote stood out to me because by her thinking that, it could be true. I strongly believe that her school friends wanting to help her is beyond nice to help someone go through a serious illness. Hazel school friends can probably help her think and talk about happy stuff instead of talking about death. Her school friends maybe talked to her about their happy experiences in their happy to get a laugh out of her. Hazel school friends maybe tried to boost up her confidence knowing she have low self-esteem. They also may had showed her happy and funny things for interest and smile. Hazel is so depressed about her illness so maybe her school friends wanted so see some happiness in her. I predict that maybe they tried searching up treatments to cure the cancer but then realized that they couldn't. In my personal life I was very sick and my friends wanted to help me go through my sickness. My friends were telling me jokes and we was just having a funny conversation. I was had a good time converting with my friends. They were telling me about their funny life experiences, funny videos, and just making up stuff that was funny. All of that was fun. the only bad part about it was it didn't help me good enough to go through my sickness. My friends were really counting on helping me go through my sickness.

Journal,Entry Chapter 2

                                                                 Journal Entry #2

The quote that stands out to me the most is stated "Good friends are hard to find a impossible to forget". This quote stood out to me because this quote is true. A lot of people out in this world can be called your friends but not good friends. Good friends wouldn't lead you into doing bad things. Good friends would stick around and help you with our life. If you need help with something your good friends would be there to help no matter how difficult the situation is. Good friends would lead you to a good path, not a bad path. These are m opinions of what good friends would and wouldn't do. It's impossible to find good friends because in my opinion it's not that many good friends in this world. Non good friends would laugh ad joke with you in your face and talk mad trash about you behind your back. Good friends would be honest with you. Good friends would accept you being honest with them. Good friends would try ways to make your bad days brighter. And good friends would accept you for you. In my personal I have a good friend who lives near me. Shes my good friend because she likes me for me. We're honest with eachother and we accept it. We give eachother advices on personal problems and issues. Also she enjoys my visits to her house. She helps boost my confidence knowing I have huge doubts on myself. She shows me a good friend.

Journal Entry #1

One quote that stands out to me is on page 19 where it states "But of course there is always a harmartia ad yours is that, oh my God, even though you had freaking cancer you give money to a  company in for the chance to acquire yet more cancer". This quote stands out to me because when I first, the first thing that came to my mind was that Hazel cared about Augustus. It also kinda shows to me that Hazel likes him too. I predict Hazel cares about Augustus because if she didn't, she wouldn't had said what she said to him and let him do with he was doing with no complaints. This quote is similar to my life experiences because i have low self esteem and some of my old classmates in my middle school knew that. Sometimes I compare myself to other kids and say why am I'm not pretty like them. I was around one of my best friends when I stated that and she said " why are you doubting yourself. You're pretty Franny. Stop calling yourself ugly." My best friend stating that to me shows that she cares about me and she doesn't like when I doubt myself. Another quote that stands out to me is "Augustus Waters pushed himself out of his wheelchair and walked over to me" This quote also stands out me because it shows the interest that Augustus have for Hazel. Augustus was interested in meeting her and that's kind for someone to get interested in someone who doubts themselves a lot.